Choppers in Action
غارات للاطلسي على مقر هيئة الاذاعة والتلفزيون الليبيين في طرابلس
أعلن مسؤول في النظام الليبي للصحافيين أنّ "مبنى يقع في حرم مقر هيئة الاذاعة والتلفزيون الرسميين في ليبيا استهدف بغارات "حلف شمال الاطلسي" صباح اليوم"، مشيرًا إلى أنه "في الحرم نفسه يقع مكتب المدعي العام ومبنيان آخران لمؤسّسات اهلية تُعنى بالاطفال".
من جهة أخرى، أفاد مراسل وكالة "فرانس برس"، أنّ "مبنى رسمي تابع لمؤتمر الشعب العام دمّر بغارات "الاطلسي" صباح اليوم وكان هذا المبنى قد دُمّر نصفه تقريبًاً في غارة قبل حوالى ثلاثة اسابيع".
يشار إلى أنّ المباني المستهدفة تقع على بعد حوالي كيلومترين شرق الساحة الخضراء وسط العاصمة الليبية.
غارات للاطلسي على مقر هيئة الاذاعة والتلفزيون الليبيين في طرابلس |
أعلن مسؤول في النظام الليبي للصحافيين أنّ "مبنى يقع في حرم مقر هيئة الاذاعة والتلفزيون الرسميين في ليبيا استهدف بغارات "حلف شمال الاطلسي" صباح اليوم"، مشيرًا إلى أنه "في الحرم نفسه يقع مكتب المدعي العام ومبنيان آخران لمؤسّسات اهلية تُعنى بالاطفال".
من جهة أخرى، أفاد مراسل وكالة "فرانس برس"، أنّ "مبنى رسمي تابع لمؤتمر الشعب العام دمّر بغارات "الاطلسي" صباح اليوم وكان هذا المبنى قد دُمّر نصفه تقريبًاً في غارة قبل حوالى ثلاثة اسابيع".
يشار إلى أنّ المباني المستهدفة تقع على بعد حوالي كيلومترين شرق الساحة الخضراء وسط العاصمة الليبية.
من جهة أخرى، أفاد مراسل وكالة "فرانس برس"، أنّ "مبنى رسمي تابع لمؤتمر الشعب العام دمّر بغارات "الاطلسي" صباح اليوم وكان هذا المبنى قد دُمّر نصفه تقريبًاً في غارة قبل حوالى ثلاثة اسابيع".
يشار إلى أنّ المباني المستهدفة تقع على بعد حوالي كيلومترين شرق الساحة الخضراء وسط العاصمة الليبية.
رويترز: المعارضة الليبية تدخل بلدة يفرن
الاثنين 6 حزيران (يونيو) 2011
يفرن (ليبيا) (رويترز) - قال مصور رويترز ان مقاتلي المعارضة الليبية دخلوا يوم الاثنين بلدة يفرن الليبية التي كانت تسيطر عليها قوات الزعيم معمر القذافي.
وقال المصور يوسف بودلال "المعارضون يقولون انهم سيطروا على البلدة. نحن داخل البلدة ولا أثر لقوات القذافي."
واستطرد "ارى اعلام المعارضة.. رأينا ملصقات وصورا للقذافي ممزقة."
Training Squad,for last Phase to take Tripoli
Analyst talks pros and cons of the Apache
Published 04 June 2011 14:43 3507 Views
Shashank Joshi, an associated fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies in London, talks to Al Jazeera about the pros and cons of the Apache helicopters introduced today by NATO in Libya
What Apaches can do.
Libyan opposition buoyed by NATO helicopters
Published 05 June 2011 05:23 307 Views
The use of helicopters has intensified NATO's operation in Libya. And as Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley reports from the Western town of
Apache Choppers in Action.
Choppers on Action, NATO is serious to get him off his HOLE
Apaches mark new phase in NATO Libya op
Published 04 June 2011 13:00 301 Views
NATO has used helicopters for the first time since its mission began in Libya. British and French helicopters were flown in overnight raids, in the country's East. Al Jazeera's Sue Turton reports from Libya's eastern frontier, on the move that signals a new phase in NATO operations, after a three-month standoff.
Witness: Alleged Libyan rape victim appears bruised after deportation
(CNN) -- A witness who met with Eman al-Obeidy after she was forced back to Libya from Qatar said the alleged rape victim appeared battered and bruised.
Nasha Dawaji, a U.S.-based Libyan pro-freedom activist, said she was with three key members of the National Transitional Council, the rebels' government, when they first learned that al-Obeidy was forced from Doha and arrived in Benghazi on Thursday.
Al-Obeidy had a black eye, like she had been punched, Dawaji said. She also had bruises on her legs and scratches on her arms.
The council members were upset upon seeing al-Obeidy's condition and vowed to open an investigation, Dawaji said.
Al-Obeidy grabbed the world's attention this spring when she accused Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's security forces of gang raping her.
She fled the country and was in Qatar awaiting resettlement as a refugee when she was deported early Thursday.
In the hours leading to her deportation, armed guards had been posted outside her hotel room, preventing a representative from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees from helping her, al-Obeidy told CNN. The UN agency had prepared papers for her departure from Qatar to begin a new life.
Al-Obeidy said Qatari authorities then took her and her parents from the Kempinski Residences & Suites in the Qatari capital. She said she was beaten and handcuffed, then forced onto a military plane to Libya.
She also said the Qataris had taken everything from her and her parents -- including cell phones, her laptop, and money.
An official at the Qatari Embassy in Washington asked CNN to e-mail questions about the deportation, but did not respond to them. Hotel officials and Qatari government agencies could not be reached for comment on Friday. Friday is a day off in the country.
Al-Obeidy told a journalist that officials in the National Transitional Council had pressured the Qataris to expel her. But, according to Dawaji, she did not blame the rebel group for the beating itself.
Her deportation came despite repeated requests from the UN refugee agency and an official with the world body told CNN.
"We tried all night to prevent her deportation," said Vincent Cochetel of the UNHCR office in Washington. He said the Qatari authorities had informed UNHCR that they had a court order that al-Obeidy's visa had expired; and they ignored UNHCR's arguments that she already had refugee status.
"Forcibly returning a refugee who survived gang rape not only violates international law, but is cruel and could trigger further trauma," said Bill Frelick, refugee program director at Human Rights Watch. "All eyes are now on the authorities in eastern Libya, who should allow al-Obeidy to leave the country."
Human Rights Watch called on the National Transitional Council to allow al-Obeidy to leave rebel-controlled Libya immediately. The New York-based activist group added that a rebel group spokesman had told the group that she was free to travel domestically and abroad.
Al-Obeidy received worldwide attention on March 26 when she burst into the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli while international journalists staying there were having breakfast. She told reporters she had been taken from a checkpoint east of Tripoli and held against her will for two days while being beaten and raped by 15 men.
She was forcibly taken out of the hotel by security forces in a scuffle that was captured by television cameras.
She was not heard from again for more than a week as Gadhafi's representatives said they were investigatiing her claim.
The alleged suspect also filed counter-charges for slander.
Then on April 4, she spoke to CNN's Anderson Cooper by phone about the alleged rapes.
"They had my hands tied behind me and they had my legs tied and they would hit me while I was tied and bite me in my body. And they would pour alcohol in my eyes so that I would not be able to see and they would sodomize me with their rifles and they would not let us go to the bathroom. We were not allowed to eat or drink," she said, speaking through a translator.
"One man would leave and another would enter. He would finish and then another man would come in," al-Obeidy said.
She later fled Libya to Tunisia with the help of two defecting Gadhafi army officers and their families. French diplomats drove her from the border and handed her off to rebel officials -- members of the Transitional National Council -- who organized her flight to Qatar.
After arriving in Qatar, al-Obeidy made public statements saying the National Transitional Council was using her. The council denied that, but her presence in Qatar appears to have become an embarrassment to the organization. Qatar's government is allied with the rebels.
Now, she and her family are in eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, the hub of the rebel movement that is battling to oust Gadhafi, Libya's longtime leader.
In Washington, State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner said Thursday that the department is "very concerned" about al-Obeidy's safety and had communicated with her. He said officials were working with international organizations to make sure she is safe and finds asylum in "a third country."
CNN's Khalil Abdallah and Tim Lister and Journalist Sherif Elhelwa contributed to this report.
Hundreds missing in African coast boat accident
June 2, 2011 -- Updated 1401 GMT (2201 HKT)
Man aids struggling Libyan refugees
- About 800 refugees were heading from Libya to Lampedusa, Italy
- The boat was overcrowded
- Between 200 and 270 people are missing
(CNN) -- As many as 270 Libyan refugees were missing in the sea after the overcrowded boat they were in encountered bad weather, the Tunisian state-run TAP news agency reported.
The Tunisian coast guard responded to the rescue call regarding the fishing trawler, which became disabled Wednesday night near the Kerkennah Islands. The ship was reportedly taking some 800 refugees from Libya to the Italian island of Lampedusa, TAP reported.
An official told the agency that between 200 and 270 people were missing. At least two bodies had been recovered, the agency reported.
People on the boat began pushing each other in a panic to reach the lifeboats when they ran into high waves and winds, TAP said.
Lampedusa, the closest Italian island to Africa, has become a destination for tens of thousands of refugees seeking to enter the European Union.
More than 30,000 migrants and refugees from Tunisia and Libya have risked this dangerous journey to Lampedusa since last February.
Lampedusa and Malta, both islands less than an hour's flight from the North African coast, have borne the brunt of the subsequent wave of migration.
At one point, the population of migrants vastly outnumbered the tiny population of Lampedusa, which numbers less than 6,000.
Rebels moving closer to Tripoli
Battle for Libya: Rebels move closer to Tripoli
Published 04 June 2011 01:35 4810 Views
In the mountains south of Tripoli, opposition troops are making a bold push to the capital of Libya. Al Jazeera's James Bays is just behind the frontline, which is now as close as the rebels have come to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's stronghold of Tripoli
Fighting continues across Libya
Published 02 June 2011 10:46 1279 Views
In another blow to the government of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, opposition fighters in the west say they have forced Gaddafi troops out of the towns of Qasr el-Haj and Shakchuk. The towns have been under attack since February. Residents and rebels in the west celebrated on the streets after a battle that lasted for almost 12 hours. By liberating the two towns, the opposition says it will now be able restore electricity to three other areas. One of them is Zintan which has been heavily bombarded in recent days. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from Zintan.
Increasing food shortage in Libya's west
Published 01 June 2011 07:07 1911 Views
Food is running very low in western Libya - another knock-on effect of the conflict. James Bays reports from Nalut, where a warehouse that supplies 13 towns, has only a few days worth of rations left
Thousand missing in Libya
Thousands missing in Libya
Published 03 June 2011 07:29 284 Views
In Misrata, pro-Gaddafi soldiers have fought with opposition forces for over two months. Estimates suggest they also abducted more than twelve hundred people during their occupation. Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley reports
NATO jets target Libyan capital | ||||
Raids on army vehicles and ammunition depots in Tripoli follow announcement of extension of alliance's Libyan mission.
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2011 05:51
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A series of explosions and and gunfire was heard across Tripoli in the early hours of Friday morning, according to witnesses. Footage captured by AP Television showed smoke rising from the city skyline following at least one large explosion. A Libyan government official, speaking on condition of anonymity to the AP news agency, said that at least 10 NATO raids hit targets in and around Tripoli. NATO earlier confirmed that it carried out attacks on Thursday, which it said hit military vehicles and ammunition depots, a surface-to-air missile launcher and a fire-control radar. The attacks took place just hours after NATO and its partners said it would extend the Libyan mission for 90 more days in support of the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's four-decade rule. "This decision sends a clear message to the Gaddafi regime: We are determined to continue our operation to protect the people of Libya," Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the NATO secretary-general, said. Now in its fourth month, the Libyan conflict is deadlocked, with the opposition forces unable to break out of their strongholds and advance towards Tripoli, where Gaddafi appears to be firmly entrenched. Opposition forces control the east of Libya around Benghazi, the third-biggest city, Misurata, and a mountain range stretching from the town of Zintan, 150km south of Tripoli, towards the border with Tunisia. On Wednesday, opposition fighters in the country's west said they had managed to force Gaddafi troops out of the towns of Qasr el-Haj and Shakchuk.The towns had been under attack since February. Residents and opposition forces in the west celebrated on the streets after a battle that lasted for nearly 12 hours. By liberating the two towns, the opposition says it will now be able restore electricity to three other areas, one of which is Zintan, which has been heavily bombarded in recent days. Misurata fighting In the city of Misurata, opposition fighters have pushed forces loyal to Gaddafi out of the centre of the city and pushed westwards towards the neighbouring town of Zlitan, where they are exchanging artillery fire. "They [pro-Gaddafi forces] are randomly bombarding from an area near Zlitan," Youssef, an opposition spokesman, told the Reuters news agency from Misurata. Zlitan could become the next battleground, opposition forces said.
"Gaddafi has tightened security here. His brigades have been getting reinforcement every day. They have stepped up their campaign to arrest, terrify and frighten residents," an opposition spokesman in Zlitan, who identified himself as Mabrouk, said. "The humanitarian situation is very bad. There are shortages of foodstuffs, baby milk and medicine. There has been no fuel for almost two months." In another development, UN and US officials said that Qatar deported Iman al-Obeidi, a Libyan woman who accused Gaddafi's soldiers of raping her on March 26, back to Libya. Vincent Cochetel, the UNHCR representative in Washington, told the AFP news agency that a Qatari military jet flew al-Obeidi to the port city of Benghazi, which is held by rebels, and she was now staying there in a hotel. A Libyan rebel official told AFP last month that al-Obeidi had escaped from Libya to Qatar with the help of rebels. She attracted international media attention when she stormed into the Rixos hotel on March 26, threw open her coat to reveal scars and bruises on her body to expose her ordeal. A UN inquiry accused Gaddafi's government on Wednesday of carrying out systematic attacks on the population, saying it committed war crimes and also crimes against humanity. While it noted fewer reports of violations by the opposition, the commission of inquiry set up by the UN Human Rights Council also found that rebel forces committed acts that constituted war crimes. Libyan attendance Separately, the Libyan government announced it will send a representative to the meeting of the international oil-exporting countries' group, OPEC, a day after Shokri Ghanem, the country's oil minister, confirmed his defection. Mussa Ibrahim, the Libyan government spokesperson, said on Thursday that the government would be represented at the meeting of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Vienna on June 8. "I don't have a name yet, but we'll have somebody," he said. The announcement came a day after Ghanem announced in Rome that he now supports the Libyan opposition, making him the second most senior official to quit the Gaddafi government. However, Ibrahim played down the significance of Ghanem's departure. "This is a country, a state, a government, not just one person," Ibrahim told the Reuters news agency. Up to now, oil and gas has accounted for 95 per cent of Libya's export income, 25 per cent of its gross domestic product and 80 per cent of government revenue, according to US government statistics. |
Released prisoners to terrorise Tripoli people
Missing Libyans.
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