Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Syrian 3105, Is he back to his Senses or playing time,

For the last two weeks, the Events in Syria were travelling on two Parallel Lines. One, that the Europeans, as they claimed, giving more time to Assad, to do the necessary Reforms he promised three months ago, and were left, Verbal Promises, and the Revolts, raged stronger, and his Security Forces the ( Shappiha), murdered more Innocent, and Bare Chests Protesters. The Other Line, the Europeans, were waiting the Opposition Groups, to decide who, they would be talking to. Also, Assad, played the same games, by giving the Europeans, Empty Promises, and send in his Deadly Forces to smash down the Revolts, moving from City, to another, sending more people to the Mass Graves.

The Europeans will reach some where, to find the Oppositions Groups's Committee, that, will be replacing the Collapsed regime. But Assad did not reach anywhere, but made the Situation Worse, and because he failed to smash down the Revolts, he decided with a Public Presidential Order, forgiving, all the Revolting people, who paid over One Thousand Martyrs, and over thousands Injured, and murdered in Hospitals and on their way for help, by the Security Forces, and ten thousands prisoners, Tortured to DEATH, as we witnessed, the Thirteen Years Old Boy El Khateeb, was DEAD for a month before he was taken back to his Parents.

Sure it is too late, for such Decisions, and any more to be taken, by the Head of the Syrian Regime, because he is deeply diving under People's pools of Blood, and that, is UNFORGETTABLE or FORGIVEABLE, the History will pin him down in a Grave, to be remembered for decades to come.

تشكيل لجنة تحقيق بشأن الفتى السوري الذي تعرّض للقتل والتعذيب في درعا
الثلاثاء 31 أيار 2011
ذكر التلفزيون السوري أن وزير الداخلية (اللواء محمد الشعار) قرر تشكيل لجنة تحقيق لتحديد ملابسات وفاة الفتى حمزة الخطيب (13 عاماً) الذي تعرّض للتعذيب والقتل في درعا.

وكانت السلطات السوريّة إعتقلت الفتى المتحدر من قرية الجيزة بالقرب من درعا مع آخرين أثناء مشاركتهم في تظاهرة يوم الغضب في 29 نيسان لفكّ الحصار عن هذه المدينة.

المعارضون السوريون في انطاليا: قرار العفو غير كاف وتأخر كثيرًا
الثلاثاء 31 أيار 2011
أعلنت المعارضة السوريّة من أنطاليا في جنوب تركيا حيث تعقد مؤتمرها تحت عنوان "المؤتمر السوري للتغيير" أنّ قرار العفو العام الذي أصدره الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد اليوم "غير كاف وتأخر كثيرًا". وفي هذا السياق، قال رئيس المجلس الوطني لإعلان دمشق في المهجر عبد الرزاق عيد في حديث لـ"فرانس برس": "نحن طالبناه به منذ فترة طويلة، وبالنسبة إلينا نحن صدى لـ"صوت الشعب" الذي أجمع على أنه يريد إسقاط النظام، ونجتمع تحت شعار إسقاط النظام، ونحتاج إلى إيضاحات حول ما إذا كان العفو يشمل المعتقلين أخيرًا مع المحكومين منذ عشرات السنوات".
من جهته، إعتبر رئيس وفد "الأخوان المسلمين" إلى المؤتمر ملهم الدروبي أنّ "خطوة الأسد إيجابية لكنها غير كافية و"الأخوان" يطالبون بمطالب الشعب الذي يطالب بالحرية ويريد إسقاط النظام"، مضيفًا للوكالة نفسها إنّ "دماء الشعب لن تذهب هدرًا وعلى من ارتكب جرائم أن يُحاسَب على فعلته".
يُشار إلى أنّه بعد إبلاغ المجتمعين بقرار العفو إنطلقت الآيادي بالتصفيق والأصوات بالهتاف: "الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام" و"الموت ولا المذلة"، و"إسلام ومسيحية، الشعب يريد الحرية"، مع التلويح بالأعلام السوريّة.

سوريا قد تنزلق إلى النموذج الليبي
مسلحون يصدّون الجيش في تلبيسة والرستن

للمرة الأولى منذ بدء الاحتجاجات في سوريا، استخدم سكان البنادق الآلية والقذائف الصاروخية لصد قوى الامن التي تحاول التقدم في وسط سوريا، الامر الذي ادى الى نشوب قتال شرس وغذى المخاوف من احتمال تحول الانتفاضة الشعبية نوعا من النزاع المسلح على الطريقة الليبية.
وافاد ناشطون ان سكان مدينتي تلبيسة والرستن، اللتين تتعرضان لهجوم منذ الاحد، قرروا القتال بالاسلحة الرشاشة والقذائف الصاروخية وان اربعة مدنيين على الاقل قتلوا.
وقال احد سكان حمص الذي له اتصالات واسعة في المنطقة: "لقد شعروا بأنه ليس في امكانهم ان يجلسوا اكثر من ذلك ويصلوا الى الله كي يساعدهم". واضاف ان "الجيش يواجه مقاومة مسلحة وليس قادرا على دخول المدينتين". واكد ان "الجيش لا يزال خارجهما وقيل لي إن عربات للجيش وبينها ناقلات جند قد اشتعلت فيها النيران".
وأوضح ناشط ثان ان السكان خاضوا قتالاً، لكنه اشار الى ان ذلك يشمل اشخاصاً حاولوا حماية أنفسهم، وان لا مقاومة منظمة تمتلك هيكلاً قيادياً.
وذكّر بأن "الاحتجاجات بدأت سلمية، لكن ممارسات قوى الأمن التي أذلت الناس أدت أخيراً الى استخدام الاسلحة". ولفت الى انه جرت العادة ان يقتني السوريون الاسلحة الخفيفة مثل البنادق في منازلهم. وسجل في السنوات الأخيرة تهريب اسلحة من دول مجاورة مثل لبنان والعراق.
وهذه التقارير الاولى الموثوق بها عن وجود مقاومة جدية لسكان يحملون السلاح. ولكن من غير الواضح مدى تعميم هذه الظاهرة في أماكن أخرى من سوريا، على رغم ان تقارير تحدثت عن مقاومة السكان في تلكلخ قرب الحدود مع لبنان. وتقول الحكومة السورية ومجموعات لحقوق الانسان إن أكثر من 150 جندياً وشرطياً قتلوا منذ بدء الاحتجاجات في سوريا في آذار.

لمرعبي: يبدو أن الرئيس بري لا يسمع ماذا يحصل في الشمال
الثلاثاء 31 أيار 2011
استغرب عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب معين المرعبي كلام رئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري حول محاولة إقامة خطوط تماس على الحدود مع سوريا، وقال: "يبدو أن الرئيس بري لا يسمع كالعادة ماذا يحصل في الشمال، لم يسمع بعمليات القنص التي طالت المساجد والناس، ومقتل إمرأة وطفل".
المرعبي وفي تصريح لمحطة "lbc" أضاف: "لقد ناشدنا الجيش اللبناني أن ينتشر في المنطقة لحماية اللبنانيين من القنص، ولكن لم نتلق أي جواب، ولذلك يمكن أن نطلب من الامم المتحدة أن تنتشر"، مشيراً إلى أن "هناك حواجز ليلية لعناصر تدور في الفلك السوري، وان بعض الاهالي يشكون من الامر، وهذا بتصرف الجيش اللبناني".
وختم المرعبي حديثه بالقول: "مع الأسف، طالبنا قيادة الجيش مرات عدة بهذه الامور، ولكن الجيش اللبناني ليس لديه "لا شغلة ولا عملة" إلا ازعاج المواطن عبر استدعاء العكاريين إلى مراكز المخابرات أو توقيف أحد النازحين".

Syrian Town surrounded by troops, it is NOT Mistakes, it is MURDER

Children hurt in storming Syrian Cities by Troops.

Two people died amid protests in Syria on Monday, as government troops and tanks surrounded one town and apparently shelled another for a second day, according to protest organizers and a witness.
One of the deaths occurred in Rastan and the other in Talbiseh, according to the protest organizers known as the Local Coordination Committees of Syria.
The deaths bring to 12 the total number killed since troops entered towns in Homs province early Sunday to end protests against government rule, according to the committee. Ten people, including two children, died Sunday.
CNN has not been granted access into Syria and is unable to independently verify the accounts.
A witness in Rastan, who did not want to be identified for security reasons, said he heard intense explosions beginning around 4 a.m. that lasted for several hours.
Will Syria be criticized at U.N.?
Tanks and soldiers have the city completely surrounded, and there is no electricity or water in the city, the witness said.
Despite the siege, protesters took to the streets for about 30 minutes of defiant protest, the witness said.
The Rastan witness said that residents there could hear shelling and gunfire coming from Talbiseh, about 6 miles (10 kilometers) away. But he said it was unclear what was happening there communications have been shut off.
Security forces shelled that city on Sunday as well, with one round striking a school bus carrying children.
In addition to Rastan and Talbiseh, the towns of Deir Ba'albeh and Teir Ma'alleh were also targeted, according to protest organizers.
Syria's government has undertaken a fierce crackdown against demonstrations that have demanded reforms of President Bashar al-Assad.
Roughly 830 people have been killed in the protests, according tot he Syrian Human Rights Information Link. That number does not include security personnel which the Syrian government claims died in attacks from "armed groups."
The United States has imposed new sanctions on al-Assad and other senior Syrian officials, freezing any assets held in the country over human rights abuses.

U.S. sanctions target Syrian president
Should Obama get even tougher on Syria?

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama's new blueprint for change in the Middle East slammed the Syrian government for "murder and mass arrests" and sent a blunt message to President Bashar al-Assad to get with democratic change.
In a wide-ranging speech about Middle East policy on Thursday, Obama touched on the fierce Syrian crackdown against the street demonstrations that have rippled across the country since mid-March.
Obama told an audience at the State Department that Syrians have displayed "courage in demanding a transition to democracy" but the regime "has chosen the path of murder and the mass arrests of its citizens."
"President Assad now has a choice: He can lead that transition, or get out of the way. The Syrian government must stop shooting demonstrators and allow peaceful protests; release political prisoners and stop unjust arrests; allow human rights monitors to have access to cities like Daraa; and start a serious dialogue to advance a democratic transition. Otherwise, President Assad and his regime will continue to be challenged from within and isolated abroad," he said.
U.S. sanctions target Syrian president Should Obama get even tougher on Syria?
Bashar Assad
Barack Obama
United States
He also said that Syria has sought help from Iran "in the tactics of suppression."
"This speaks to the hypocrisy of the Iranian regime, which says it stand for the rights of protesters abroad, yet suppresses its people at home. Let us remember that the first peaceful protests were in the streets of Tehran."
Obama's speech was aired on Syrian state television.
On Wednesday, Obama imposed new sanctions against al-Assad and those around him, and earlier Thursday, Syria denounced the move, state TV reported.
"The measures by the United States are one in a series of sanctions imposed by the consecutive American administrations against the Syrian people, as part of its regional plans, whose priority is to serve the Israeli interest," state-run Syrian TV reported.
"Any hostile act against Syria is an American contribution to the Israeli aggression against Syria and the Arabs."
The sanctions also target two top Iranian officials whose unit was a "conduit for Iranian material support" to Syrian intelligence, according to a copy of Obama's executive order issued by the White House.
But, the Syrian TV report said, "the sanctions have not and will not affect Syria's independent decision making, and its resistance in the face of continuous American attempts to control its national decision making and the completion of comprehensive reform."
Hezbollah, the Shiite militant movement based in Lebanon, also blasted the U.S. sanctions toward Syria, saying the United States is "settling a score with Syria and its leadership for its commitment to the choice of resistance and its objection against the Israeli occupation and the American hegemony, and its rejection to obey the American-Israeli dictates."
It ridiculed U.S. claims to protect the freedoms of Arabs, citing bloodshed in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel's "crimes" in the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and the Golan Heights, which Israel seized from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967.
"We are confident that this blatant American intervention and exercising of pressure and the instigation will not prevent the Syrian people and its leadership from keeping their national commitments towards the rightful causes of the nation and at its front the Palestinian cause, and the struggle with the Israeli enemy and the rejection of American occupation of Arab and Muslim lands."
Obama's speech touched a range of Middle East-North Africa flashpoints -- including Egypt, Tunisia, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya.
The speech came nearly two years after Obama delivered an address in Cairo, the Egyptian capital, calling for "a new beginning" between the United States and the Muslim world.
On Sunday, clashes between pro-Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces erupted along Israel's borders and occupied territories, leaving at least 12 dead on a Palestinian mourning day marking the birth of the Jewish state.
Two protesters were killed and 170 were wounded Sunday when fighting broke out in the Golan Heights area, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency said. And at least 10 were killed and 112 others were injured in clashes along the line of demarcation with Lebanon, Lebanon's state news agency reported.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said troops fired on demonstrators who were illegally crossing from Lebanon and Syria and damaging "security infrastructure." But Syrian and Lebanese officials criticized what they said were Israeli attacks, state media reported.
Israel's military accused Syria of inciting a crisis to divert attention from its own clampdown on anti-government demonstrations. Ten Israeli soldiers and three officers were injured in the clashes, the Israel Defense Forces reported.

He also said that Syria has sought help from Iran "in the tactics of suppression."
"This speaks to the hypocrisy of the Iranian regime, which says it stand for the rights of protesters abroad, yet suppresses its people at home. Let us remember that the first peaceful protests were in the streets of Tehran."
Obama's speech was aired on Syrian state television.
On Wednesday, Obama imposed new sanctions against al-Assad and those around him, and earlier Thursday, Syria denounced the move, state TV reported.
"The measures by the United States are one in a series of sanctions imposed by the consecutive American administrations against the Syrian people, as part of its regional plans, whose priority is to serve the Israeli interest," state-run Syrian TV reported.
"Any hostile act against Syria is an American contribution to the Israeli aggression against Syria and the Arabs."
The sanctions also target two top Iranian officials whose unit was a "conduit for Iranian material support" to Syrian intelligence, according to a copy of Obama's executive order issued by the White House.
But, the Syrian TV report said, "the sanctions have not and will not affect Syria's independent decision making, and its resistance in the face of continuous American attempts to control its national decision making and the completion of comprehensive reform."
Hezbollah, the Shiite militant movement based in Lebanon, also blasted the U.S. sanctions toward Syria, saying the United States is "settling a score with Syria and its leadership for its commitment to the choice of resistance and its objection against the Israeli occupation and the American hegemony, and its rejection to obey the American-Israeli dictates."
It ridiculed U.S. claims to protect the freedoms of Arabs, citing bloodshed in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel's "crimes" in the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and the Golan Heights, which Israel seized from Syria during the Six Day War in 1967.
"We are confident that this blatant American intervention and exercising of pressure and the instigation will not prevent the Syrian people and its leadership from keeping their national commitments towards the rightful causes of the nation and at its front the Palestinian cause, and the struggle with the Israeli enemy and the rejection of American occupation of Arab and Muslim lands."
Obama's speech touched a range of Middle East-North Africa flashpoints -- including Egypt, Tunisia, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya.
The speech came nearly two years after Obama delivered an address in Cairo, the Egyptian capital, calling for "a new beginning" between the United States and the Muslim world.
On Sunday, clashes between pro-Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces erupted along Israel's borders and occupied territories, leaving at least 12 dead on a Palestinian mourning day marking the birth of the Jewish state.
Two protesters were killed and 170 were wounded Sunday when fighting broke out in the Golan Heights area, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency said. And at least 10 were killed and 112 others were injured in clashes along the line of demarcation with Lebanon, Lebanon's state news agency reported.
An Israeli military spokeswoman said troops fired on demonstrators who were illegally crossing from Lebanon and Syria and damaging "security infrastructure." But Syrian and Lebanese officials criticized what they said were Israeli attacks, state media reported.
Israel's military accused Syria of inciting a crisis to divert attention from its own clampdown on anti-government demonstrations. Ten Israeli soldiers and three officers were injured in the clashes, the Israel Defense Forces reported.

It is NOT Mistakes, its Murder. 

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