The Official Syrian TV, was boosting, that some Arab regimes phoned Assad as support to his Regime. But later we found out, that those called, they stand by Syria and its people as a Country within the Arab Group, and there was nothing in supporting the shaky Regime.
There is no illusions that, the Regime in Syria, is shaking, and the break that given to it, is to do some urgent reforms for the Laws of, Free Speech, Free Press, Independent Judicial System, Free demonstrations, and the first one of them to remove Emergency Law, that is taking place since 1968. That's why the unrest started in the streets of Deraa and other Big Syrian Cities. He has also to compromise with the Peace Process in the Middle east.
Does not look that, this break is for long time, could be until the World Community, finishes with the Job on Qaddafi, and Yemen. Because shooting at the protesters, and kill many of them, is not a forgettable Issue to the Human Rights Organisations, or to the Democratic Countries. This also, depend on the Determination of the people, of how and when they would take their RIGHTS back from the Dictators.
On the other hand, the Regime of Syria, claiming CONSPIRACY, to change the System in Syria. We ask, what conspiracy they are talking about, while it is their own people demonstrating for the reforms that, they believe are their rights, then, the shooting started by the Regime itself at the peaceful demonstrators, there were sixty innocent people killed without MERCY, by all means and ways, in three days, do we expect the protesters to go and have a sound sleep at home, or they will continue to protest for the DIGNITY of the DEAD.
The Regime, accused a third party of conspiracy, just to JUSTIFY the killing of its own people, it is not a surprise, that's what the Dictators of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya claimed before, certainly, there was no evidence whatsoever to prove it.
The promised, reforms that, Vice President Sharea, said that, the President of the Regime to announce today, was just empty promises, because the President declined in his Speech today, at the Syrian House of Commons, only Cheers we witnessed from the Loyal Dummies.
The clip below, the views about the Regime of Syria.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Green Light at Lightening Speed
Protester kicks and tear down Assad The Father in Hums
The Revolt started here in Deraa
Government building after Demonstrations in Deraa
Victory Signs in Deraa
Demonstrations in Deraa
We read what the Lebanese politicians say, that NO GREEN light came from Syrian Regime, to form the Cabinet in Lebanon. On the contrary, the Green Light came, since the two convoys of Hezbollah and Amal parties visited Damascus, few days ago, and Assad gave the Green Light at the SPEED of lightening to carry on, and form the said Cabinet. Assad knows very well what is waiting for his Regime, and that since he witnessed the changes, started in Tunisia, and still going in Libya. Assad may be, he chose the Libyan way to face the changes, and crushes anything at all, getting closer to the Regime, and he is not the one to give up to the demands of the People of Syria, this is a TRADITION in the FAMILY
Being a Cabinet in Lebanon dominated by Hezbollah, Assad thinks will give him a solid support, against the Revolt, at least slow it down to have time to find a way out for the Regime.
Hezbollah, has an Essential Interest, in having Government in Lebanon under its Authority, to stand by the Syrian Regime, to protects its ARSENAL of Guns and logistics that moving that Arsenal to Lebanon, before the New Syrian Authorities put their hands on the arms that stored in Syria.
It is very important for Hezbollah, to keep the Regime in Syria standing, because if, it happened and collapsed, it turns like a Cancer Infection in Hezbollah Lungs, and it is matter of time, when God takes back his PARTY to Hell.
It is Junblatt Role now to convince, his upper hand, Hezbollah, to put its arms and guns under the Legitimate Government of Lebanon, and behave as a political party, and this deal, should come to light as fast as the GREEN LIGHT, of Assad to Hezbollah.
Monday, 21 March 2011
Regime on its way out
Couple of days ago, the Regime of Libya was using all its kind of force to crush, the Revolt of the Libyan people, who were called by Qaddafi as the dogs and mean people, because they want him to do, the reforms required, at the beginning of the demonstrations. Later, he used fighter air crafts and tanks to wipe them out.
These helpless people, have the backing of International Super power, and since then, the Regimes tanks, were blown up. and its jet fighters disappeared.
From the above, we understand, that dictators, use all means to suppress their people, and when it comes to defend their country, they hide like foxes, the only description to such rulers is SICK PERSONS.
Below, some video clips, of latest situation over Libya:
Fighter Jets of Coalition taking of from Europe
Jets base in Italy
Obama News Statement
Benghazi Citizens celebrating, the defeat of Qaddafi Forces
TV reporter exploring the remains of tanks and armours of Qaddafi
Friday, 18 March 2011
Security Council Resolution.
Seif El Islam (Kills Muslims in Libya)
Mr Berri, Loyal to Syrian Regime
Two Dictators in same BOAT
This Resolution, came to light at last, and it was a bit late, because if it was earlier it could save hundreds of Libyan Civilians lives. Because Russia and China, played the game slowly, may be to give the Regime in Libya, to finish the JOB, and crush the Revolt of Bengazi and Misrata. We sure now, that the Regime will be collapsing faster.
This Resolution is a strong warning, to the Regime in Syria, if it tried to use force in dispersing the demonstrators in Syria which started few days ago, and still going on today. The Syrian Regime is an Essential Crane to help its TWIN in Libya. But this Regime is in a conflict with the use of force against the revolt in Bahrain, which, it supports the revolt there, and crush them in Libya. But the good thing to this Regime is that, the MONEY coming along smoothly.
Lebanon in the United Nation, is a leading warrior to bring a Resolution of NO FLY Zone over Libya to light, and succeeded, sure with the support of USA, UK, and France. Mr Berri is the most enthusiastic Person who was behind the Lebanese Representative in UN, to get the JOB done.
Sure Lebanon, tried its best, for the reason that, Gaddafi abducted an Essential Personnel in Shiaa that time Ayatollah Musa El Sadr, and no one knows if he is still alive in Libya. Mr Berri is behind this case, to find the Truth of Mr El Sadr, which it took place three decades ago, while the Syrian troops were occupying Lebanon. Mr Berri is a very Faithful alliance to the Syrian regime, though the Syrians never tried to find out, ElSadr whereabouts, actually the Regime of Syria, never tried to find the Truth of Assassinations, of Junblatt or Harriri, or any one was killed during its occupation to Lebanon. Meanwhile there is some kind of resentment in Syria, why Lebanon is leading for the Resolution. But certainly Berri and Hezbollah are in the same side with Syria, toward the Revolt in Bahrain, because Iran is supporting this Revolt.
The Civilised Demonstrations that started in Lebanon
We should support any revolt, that leads to the better off the People of any country in the world not only Arabs. Why they should be worried about the Shiaa Revolt in any Arab country, that has the Goals of Freedom and Democracy. Shiaa Citizens in Bahrain or Lebanon or Syria or Yemen, are most of them are Loyal to their Countries, only little part of them Loyal to Iran, that trying to take advantage, in fingering the National Security of some Arab Country, Especially in Lebanon. There should not be any differences among Arab Citizens in any Arab Country, does not matter to what beliefs they are attached. There should be serious and real reforms to the constitutions of all of them, to secure Freedom and Democracy to their People.

The Leaders of TWO collapsed Regimes
Rebels in Brega, Libya
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Sixth Year and could be the LAST
Six Years passed, and the International Investigation Committee, recovering new evidents and documents, to have the criminals who caused all or some of the assassinations of Politicians, Journalists, Prime Ministers, Presidents, and thousands of Lebanese Civilians, and pin them down, to be brought to JUSTICE, and punished. Would not be few days or couple of weeks, that, the Indictments comes to light, and the contents are the first wave of names that, involved in those murders.
This will coincides, with the Sixth Anniversary of of the biggest explosion that killed Mr R Harriri and twenty two persons escorted the PM at that time, every year at this time, this event takes place at the Freedom Square of Beirut, the first gathering, took place to Celebrate the kicking off, the Syrian Regime's Troops from Lebanon 2005.
This coming Sunday the 13th of March, we expect more than ever Millions of the Free and Democratic Lebanese People to attend the EVENT, which means the end of Tyranny ruled people with guns and Terrorism. End of Fear that, dominated the Country, for the last thirty five years, under the rule of the Secret Agents Gangs, who are the guards of the Dictator's Regime in Damascus, and its Loyal Militia Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Lebanon and its people have suffered enough, of those holding its wind pipe, to keep it a Dummy in their hands and execute all the Interests of Syria and Iran by the hands of Hezbollah.
The Modern Lebanese Leaders and politician, tried along many years to, make Hezbollah get involved in the Lebanese Political System, but Hezbollah defied, all those efforts and chose to work with Iranian and Syrian Agenda. Hezbollah can not be a political Party, because it was created to be a Hitting Force, and to be used the time Iran and Syria needed, while Syria and Iran live in peace, they use Lebanon as an open troubled Grounds for their Interests.
We are sure, that this year, would be the Last one, that we come to Freedom Square, to celebrate the kicking off the Syrian Troops from Lebanon, because next year would be the Celebration of Democratic Lebanon, and will be the Flaming Torch of the Middle East.
Below a about the Father of the Martyrs that, was assassinated by the Syrian Regime, the El Muaalim Kamal Junblatt.
This will coincides, with the Sixth Anniversary of of the biggest explosion that killed Mr R Harriri and twenty two persons escorted the PM at that time, every year at this time, this event takes place at the Freedom Square of Beirut, the first gathering, took place to Celebrate the kicking off, the Syrian Regime's Troops from Lebanon 2005.
This coming Sunday the 13th of March, we expect more than ever Millions of the Free and Democratic Lebanese People to attend the EVENT, which means the end of Tyranny ruled people with guns and Terrorism. End of Fear that, dominated the Country, for the last thirty five years, under the rule of the Secret Agents Gangs, who are the guards of the Dictator's Regime in Damascus, and its Loyal Militia Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Lebanon and its people have suffered enough, of those holding its wind pipe, to keep it a Dummy in their hands and execute all the Interests of Syria and Iran by the hands of Hezbollah.
The Modern Lebanese Leaders and politician, tried along many years to, make Hezbollah get involved in the Lebanese Political System, but Hezbollah defied, all those efforts and chose to work with Iranian and Syrian Agenda. Hezbollah can not be a political Party, because it was created to be a Hitting Force, and to be used the time Iran and Syria needed, while Syria and Iran live in peace, they use Lebanon as an open troubled Grounds for their Interests.
We are sure, that this year, would be the Last one, that we come to Freedom Square, to celebrate the kicking off the Syrian Troops from Lebanon, because next year would be the Celebration of Democratic Lebanon, and will be the Flaming Torch of the Middle East.
Below a about the Father of the Martyrs that, was assassinated by the Syrian Regime, the El Muaalim Kamal Junblatt.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Latsest at Libyan Cities Ras Lanuf, Mesrata, Zawiyah and Bin Jawad على من ترفع سلاحك
The following video clips show how the Dictators turn their weapons on their own people, while their ENEMY live in piece for the last FORTY YEARS.
What is going on Libya on the Sky News LIVE
The protesters Victory on the Regimes Gangs
Latest on the Libyan Cities held by Protesters
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Progressive Social Party to Unkown Destination.
The Laughing Dictator
The ONE who laughs last, laughs BEST
Junblatt Leader of PSP and DRUZE
Junblatt in Press Conference against STL
Junblatt and the Syrian's Regime main Man Berri
Revolt in Egypt
Junblatt in PSP General Meeting
Arab World kicking off Dictators
Then, it is clear now that, troubles would be caused either by Resistance of Huzbollah, or by the Regime in Syria or by both, and we see Junblatt strongly defending them. Now we do not understand any more where he is going and taking with him, the PS Party, which is similar to the other old rotten parties, by holding the power for over many decades without even changing its rotten PERSONALS, and taking his TRIBE, the Druze to unknown destinations, by linking them to Hozbullah and Syrian Regime.
We want to know if Junblatt really support the changes that happened, and will happen sooner or later to the Regime in Syria, or just whence it is away from Lebanon, Syria an Hezbollah.
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